Bombolini filled with Vanilla Cream

Yes, this is a double whammy because you are getting another donut post.  After Tom laid praises on the Sweet Potato Donuts, I made the mistake of telling him, that the Bombolini would have been ten times better and he totally dared me to prove it.

He knows I cannot resist dates.  And I totally fell for it too.

I still stand behind my statement before that donuts are not one of my favorite sweets.  But the Bombolini holds a special place in my taste memory.

See, I have been eating these pillows of fried dough, filled with cream, since I can remember. In Venezuela, my mother would buy a big bag of them as a special treat from our local bakery as I was growing up.  My sister and I would gobble them up in seconds, licking our sugar-coated fingers and then wait patiently for the next special occasion to have them.

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GCC: Menu 23 - English Muffins

You know when you have every intention to do something.  You plan it, you set reminders for it, you HAVE THE TIME TO DO IT.

But, for some unknown reason, you just cannot, for the life of you, complete it.

Enter our choice last week of Gutsy Cooks Club.  English Muffins from scratch and then you take those muffins and make the ultimate dish that said muffins were made for.  Egg Benedicts.

As you can see, the English Muffins part got DONE.

The egg benedict part? NOT DONE.

Can I give myself a C+ for effort?

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The year that I meet Tom, we travelled to Bar Harbor, Maine for the first time to meet his extended family.  The WHOLE family, as in there were over twenty people plus expected, we had a agenda of activities sent to us before the trip.  

Sadly the occasion was not a joyous one.  See, a week after I meet Tom, his father past away. It was not a surprise passing, his father had been sick for a while and it was his time to go, everyone had made peace and they were simply getting together to celebrate his life and to scater his ashes on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park as per his request.  I wrote about this trip here and here.

The trip for me was a chance to travel within the US.  I have to come clean, having lived in the US for more than twenty years and I’m clueless about the country in general.  I’m a snob traveler and most of my trips involved the use of a passport, so I don’t know my adopted country that well - there I said it *hung head low*

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