GCC: Baked Chicken with Honey-Whole Grain Mustard Glaze

I’m so happy that we started up the Gutsy Cook Club – actually if I’m honest Tom is more excited than anyone, since he now gets to eat “real” food.  I have to say for the last couple of months we have eaten crap.  Ok, maybe that is a bit extreme, we eat food, but nothing new, mostly dishes that were fast and have been posted on the blog before and frankly Tom got use to having something new every weekend when I would put my Gutsy Cook hat on, when I told him we were back and and that this weekend we were having a new recipe, he shouted “YES!, glad you are back!”.

If that is not a hint, I don’t know what is.

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Creamy Chicken Stew with Mushroom and Potatoes

I’m embarrassed but not very surprised to admit that I’m the worst blogger ever.

Books and other bloggers tell you that to run a successful blog consistency is rule #1. Not a huge strength of mine.

But, my 9-5 job, and other projects outside of the Internet has taken time away from Sweetbites, not because I’m not cooking – I am, in fact, my “Things to post” folders is packed full of photographs of dishes and baking that I have accumulated in the past weeks ready to find companionship with words.  Words that I have to make time to put down on paper so I can show it off to you guys.

It seems that when I do have time, I’m so tired mentally that find myself staring at the screen with so much to say and not a single way to organized those thoughts to start typing them up.

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Monica’s World Famous Chicken Salad

This chicken salad has been in the making for quite a few years now.  When I worked in downtown Miami, many years ago, our offices use to order most of our catering with Perricone’s Marketplace & Café. 

And my favorite sandwich in the menu was their World famous Chicken Salad.  Their version is prepared with golden raisins, roasted pine nuts, granny smith apples, basil, poached chicken breast and a touch of mayo.

When I moved away, I always missed the sandwich and so, there was nothing to do but try to duplicate it.

And as cooks we know that unless you know the actual recipe, duplications may work against you or for you.

In this case, Perricone’s recipe was a jumping point for my own world famous chicken salad.

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