Nothing to see here... yet.

I know you don’t see a food photo up there.  I know, I know.  Just like I’m very aware that I have abandon you guys for a bit.  Trust me there is a reason, and I will discuss soon, but not now.  The new job is totally kicking my behind and finding time to cook at the end of the day is just not happening, not until I can get organized with my new crazy schedule and work responsibilities.  

For now, I ask that you guys keep coming back, check out the index for past goodies and soon, you will get new ones here.

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The battle of the pastry bag - somewhat conquered

So, you all know how I and the pastry bag in my kitchen are at a standoff. 

I hate the pastry bag, along with her tiny piping tip friends, it sits there and throws kisses my way, just to keep me in a state of panic every time I have to actually use it.

That is why I keep it hidden in the darkest corner of my kitchen drawer – you know, eh, too like keep it from misbehaving.

But, as I grow more and more into my baking repertoire, simple decorating is not going to cut it anymore, I need to really stretch my decorating skills and the only way to do this was to come clean with myself and realized that the pastry bag and I needed to make nice

It was time to conquer the pastry bag.

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Sweet Holiday Wish List

Well, obviously somehow, without anyone noticing, the end of the year has sneaked in and made itself at home. 

At least, for the next 31 days.

How in the world did 2010 pass me by?

But, it’s here.  This month has already started crazy busy, and it’s the first day!  I have tons of lists around me.  Holiday cards to design prepare and mail, holiday gift to make, wrap and give out.  Not to mention 3 holiday parties, 1 cookie exchange, my baking/cooking club responsibilities, a friends get-together and my own birthday.

Yes folks, I’m a December baby.  In fact, I sort of missed being a Christmas baby by 5 days, but nevertheless my birthday gets bundled up in the holiday spirit.

I would not have it any other way.

But the best part about it? Double presents!

And this year I’m really coveting lots of good stuff, mainly kitchen stuff, because apparently my life has now revolved around my favorite room in the house, my kitchen.  Here is a couple of my favorite things that I’m asking Santa for.  Most of the links are going to my marketplace, so if you are interested in getting this for your favorite someone, use my link, and this way you support sweetbites as well… because well, I get credit from your shopping spree!  See a total win-win for sure.

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