Food Blog Forum Altanta

This past weekend I took off to Atlanta, GA to attend the first east coast Food Blog Forum conference.  It was organized by the talented Gwen of BunkyCooks and hosted by Todd & Diane from White on Rice, and Jaden from Steamy Kitchen, which co-founded the Food Blog Forum site.

I have tons to tell, tons of blogger to give a shout out to, because I meet so many talented food blogger that my head was just spinning from the overload of being in a room full of people that I totally wanted in my “tribe”.

But, it will have to wait, because along with great and I mean GREAT swag bags from sponsors like Whole Foods, and Chefs, and Bella Cucina and so many more, I also brought home with me a huge cold - I guess running from Trader Joe’s to the car on Saturday night during the thunderstorm was NOT such a good idea.