GCC: Fruit Stuffed Pork Loin

This past weekend I had every intention of doing this dish, except that I spend it running around doing errands and Saturday dinner turned into pizza.

Instead I decided, I would do it for Sunday’s dinner.

Sunday came and went and back in the refrigerator everything went. But, I made a mental vow that I was going to do this for our Monday night dinner no matter what.

I had doubts that this was going to work out for a quick meal, but once more, I realized that there is always a way.  And in less than 1 hour, I had it on the table for us to dig in.

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GCC: Cream Asparagus Tarragon Soup and Poach Egg

This week is the first week of another Gutsy Cook line up.  The month of June belongs to Raymond from Your Just Desserts and boy did he bring it with his choices this month – I cannot wait to cook it up in the next 4 weeks.

I love, love asparagus, its actually one of my favorite vegetables and my preferred way to eat them is cooked until crisp-tender then tossed in olive oil, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and topped with a poach egg.

If that is not comfort food at its best, I don’t know what is.

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GCC: Greek Yogurt Cake

They say that the simple things in life are the most extraordinary.  Its true, we take it for granted.  Humans are the ones that complicated things.

In this case, this recipe cannot be overthought, or over complicated.  It is what it is.

A fast batter to put together with simple ingredients that I bet, are sitting in your pantry/refrigerator right now. And the end results is a great snacking cake.

And I’m not taking about twinkies here.

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